
I am a postdoc researcher at the Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics advised by Balázs Gerencsér. I received my Ph.D. in mathematics from Cornell University, under the supervision of Laurent Saloff-Coste. I was also fortunate to have Lionel Levine and Éva Tardos on my committee. I completed my B.A. in mathematics at Swarthmore College and M.S. in computer science at Cornell University.

Prior to Rényi, I was a postdoc researcher at Universität Innsbruck advised by Ecaterina Sava-Huss. My research is in discrete probability, especially how random processes are influenced by the geometry of the space on which they take place.

Publications & Preprints.
  1. Hidden Markov models and the Bayes filter in categorical probability (math.ST)
    with Tobias Fritz, Andreas Klingler, Drew McNeely, and Areeb Shah-Mohammed.
    Abstract in the 6th International Conference on Applied Category Theory, (ACT 2023)
    [ arXiv ] [ code ] [ talk ]
  2. Expected hitting times estimates on finite graphs. (math.PR)
    with Laurent Saloff-Coste. [ arXiv ] [ slides ]
  3. On long-jump random walks on cyclic groups. (math.PR)
    with Laurent Saloff-Coste.
  4. Abelian sandpiles on Sierpinski gasket graphs. (math.CO)
    with Robin Kaiser and Ecaterina Sava-Huss.
    In the Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 31(1) (2024), #P1.6.
    [ arXiv ] [ journal ]
  5. Random walks on finite nilpotent groups driven by long-jump measures. (math.PR)
    with Laurent Saloff-Coste.
    In the Electronic Journal of Probability, 27 (2022): 1-31.
    [ arXiv ] [ journal ] [ slides ]
  6. The impact of tribalism on social welfare. (cs.GT)
    with Seunghee Han and Matvey Soloviev.
    In the 12th International Symposium on Algorithmic Game Theory, (SAGT 2019).
    [ arXiv ] [ conference ]
  7. On curves and polygons with the equiangular chord property. (math.DG)
    with Tarik Aougab, Xidian Sun, and Sergei Tabachnikov.
    In the Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 274 (2015): 305-324.
    [ arXiv ] [ journal ]

In Fall 2019, I taught a math seminar at Ithaca High School on the probabilistic method. In Fall 2018, I was an instructor for Math 1110: Calculus I. I have also been a teaching assistant for Math 2940: Linear Algebra for Engineers and Math 2240: Theoretical Linear Algebra and Calculus.